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Luang Phor Ruay


Wat Tako

L. Phor Ruay

   Luang Phor Ruay of Wat Tako was one of the venerable monks in the province of Ayutthaya who passed away at the age of 95 in 19th July BE 2560. Luang Phor Ruay was born in BE 2464 and received his fundamental education at the age of 12 in Wat Tako. He ordained as a novice monk when he reached the age of 16 under the abbot of Wat Tako as his preceptor.


  In BE 2484 when Luang Phor Ruay reached the age of 20, due to the reason of his hard work and talent, he passed as a 3rd grade student and was ready to enter monkshood. He ordained as a monk in Wat Tako and under Luang Phor Cheun of Wat Paa Chi as his preceptor. He studied in Wat Tako and passed as a 2nd grade in BE 2485. He completed the religious exam as the highest ranking student in BE 2487.


  After completing his religious exam, Luang Phor Ruay continued to practice magic science & meditation under the guidance of Luang Phor Cheun of Wat Paa Chee who inherited from Luang Phor Glan of Wat Phra Yaat. Luang Phor Glan of Wat Phra Yaat was the master of many venerable monks for example like Luang Phor Yai, Luang Phor An, Luang Phor Pao, Luang Phor See, Luang Phor Doo and also Luang Phor Cheun.


  Beside under the guidance of Luang Phor Cheun, Luang Phor Ruay inherited & mastered all the magic science of Luang Phor Jaem of Wat Deang Nur who is very well-known for his magic science. Due to many experience of the sacred object consecrated by Luang Phor Ruay's for their well known experience of Kleaw Klaat, Metta Maha Niyom, Chok Larp & Mahalarp. More of his believers are seeking for his sacred objects.


Experience 1

  One of the believers was been cast by a black magic and went to seek for a highly reputable monk in the province of Ayutthaya. This highly reputable monk told his believer to seek help from Luang Phor Ruay instead. When the believer went to seek help from Luang Phor Ruay, the curse was removed by Luang Phor Ruay using a short period of time. 


Personal Experience shared from a senior of mine

   He used to do his temple run about 20 years ago, he met Luang Phor Ruay in 2 occasion during his temple run and the best part is he told me that Luang Phor Ruay is a monk who does not utter how good or how knowledgeable he is but just a humble monk. And to all the Luang Phor Ruay's collectors i have knew during in my contact list, all of them share the same experiences.

Date of Birth: Be 2464

Province Born: Ayutthaya

Passed Away:

19th July Be2560


Nur Phong Roon Raek

Be 2498

Nur Phong Roon Soong

Roon Sao Har

Roon Ruay Ruay Ruay

Roon Aa-Yu-Yuen

Roon Sang Ubosot

2010 - present
2010 - present
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