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Luang Phor Hom


Wat Chak Mak


  Luang Phor Hom of Wat Saak Mak was one of the most venerable monks at Rayong province who passed away in the year of 13th April BE2520.  He was born in one of the Monday in the month of October B.E 2433 in the year of the tiger at the District named Ban Chang who is the most western part of the Rayong province. He was the youngest among the sibling in his family.  When he reached the age of 21, it's his duty to complete his 2 years of service as a civil servant before he could be returned to his hometown and be reunited with his family.


    At the age of 36, he grew tired of living as a commoner and decided to ordain as a monk in Wat Thap Ma as Luang Phor Khao as his preceptor, Luang Phor Jeet of Wat Dtaa Kaek as his Dharma instructor. Luang Phor Cheun of Wat Map Kha as his ordination teacher. In within the period of 2 years, he managed to succeed in mastering all the knowledge of Dharma & magic practice that Luang Phor Cheun has imparted to him.  Luang Phor Cheun once mentioned to his fellow Buddhist monk that Luang Phor Hom will be one of the most outstanding monks somewhere in the future.


   Not long after, Luang Phor Cheun instructed Luang Phor Hom to Kathin in Wat Saak Mak which is nearer to his hometown and his task was to restore Wat Saak Mak by constructing a monk quarters, Ubosot, and school for devotees. During the year of BE2471, when Luang Phor Hom firstly arrived in Wat Saak Mak that is located at a part of the forest, many wild animals like wild boar, snakes, tigers & elephants are seen wandering around. Wat Saak Mak was a temple with only 2 small wooden huts which can be used to stay for a limited amount of people. However, Luang Phor Hom managed to fulfill the task of reconstructing of Wat Saak Mak and no incident of dangerous wild animals lurking around attacking any of the monks or the devotees of Wat Saak Mak.


  Not long after, news started to spread around regarding this miraculous news. More devotees started worshipping Luang Phor Hom for his sacred objects, for instance, like; Singh Ngaa Chang, Si Peng, Nang Kwak Ngaa Chang, Sai Mong Kon, Phra Kring Roop Meuan, Naep Roop Meuan, Rian Roop Meuan, Hae-won thong deang,  Roop Meuan Paa Yan, Suer Yan, Locket & takrut. 


     In the year of BE 2500, Luang Phor Hom was invited as one of the 108 monks to consecrated the most important ceremonies of Thai Buddhist which was held in Wat Suthat & Wat Pho. After this consecration ceremony, many of the devotees rushed to get Luang Phor Hom to rebless that amulets personally till his attendant have to please all the devotees to give Luang Phor Hom to have time for sufficient rest & sleep. 


L.Phor Hom

Born: October 2433

Died: 13th April 2520

Birth Province: Rayong

Age Died: 87 years old


Singha Ngaa Gae Be 2510-2520

Rian Roon Raek 

Phra Phong Roon Raen

2010 - present
2010 - present
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